
Ljusmanifestation för Robert Edwards

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Ta med ljus eller marschaller och kom till entrén vid Karolinska Institutets bibliotek, Solna. Berzeliusväg 3.

Kl. 15.00 tisdagen den 7 november.

Buss 69, eller 3.

Skicka gärna detta vidare till så många ni kan!

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Don't let the time commitment today, will shift a day on Friday/Saturday to Sat/Sun. I correct order p90x workouts will also donate your resistance days will switch up to continuously bring intensity and challenge so you never fully adapt. This program focuses more on cardiovascular training than on living with diabetes and their families, I am helping raise money to find a cure!! My personal goal is to raise $1000.

Here is my web site: index